
Home Loan Insurance: Do You Need the Insurance Cover?

Most banks offer their customers a home loan insurance when they fund their homes through a bank loan. Home loan insurance, also know as Home Loan Protection Plan (HLPP), is an insurance plan that covers the balance principal payment against the insured loan in the event of untimely demise of the…

History of Insurance [Infographic]

Interested to know when and how did insurance come into existence? What is the history of insurance in the world? When and where were the first life insurance policies issued? When did insurance start in India? All these insurance facts and history of Insurance in India summarised in a neat…

Life Insurance: Should You Get Your Life Insured?

Life is uncertain. That’s why life insurance was created as a financial instrument that provides a safety net for your family in case of your untimely death. Getting yourself insured for a certain amount means your family will have access to that much money if you are no longer there…